He attended Admiral Farragut Academy and then The University of Connecticut before joining the family business, Park Trucking and Railroad Storage Company in East Hartford, which he ran until he retired. He was a founding member of Cliffside Country Club in Simsbury, and Glen Eagles Country Club in Delray Beach, FL. The last four years he has made the Gables in Farmington his home, where he enjoyed the companionship of many new friends.
Funeral services will be held Sunday, July 29 at 11:00 A.M. in the Chapel of the Weinstein Mortuary, 640 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, with interment in the Emanuel Synagogue Cemetery, Wethersfield. A memorial period will be observed at the home of Lance and Andrea Rothstein, 14 Wright Drive, Avon, Sunday following the interment and continuing Monday and Tuesday, from 2:00 to 9:00 P.M. with services at 7:00 P.M. each evening. Contributions may be made to the Mickey Rothstein Scholarship Book Fund at University of Hartford or to a charity of donors’ choice. For further information, directions, or to sign the guest book for David Rothstein, please visit on line at www.WeinsteinMortuary.com/funerals.cfm