Gary R. Stein beloved husband of Linda Stein, passed away unexpectedly after a short illness at age 59, on January 13, 2015. He was born January 19, 1955, raised in West Hartford, living for the past 18 years in Naples, Florida. Gary was the son of the late Louis and Rita P. Stein. His mother passed away two days prior on January 11. Gary was employed in the foodservice industry. Gary leaves his wife Linda, of Naples, FL, children Traci and Richard Kressly of Pennsburg, PA, Chris and Ann Guntz of Downingtown, PA; and grandchildren Jake and Aric Kressly. A Memorial Service was held with his mother’s funeral, on December 14. Contributions may be made to Jewish Family Service Food Bank, 333 Bloomfield Ave., or Beth El Temple, 2626 Albany Ave., each in West Hartford, CT 06117